Append the following snippet to the end of the stacks section in the input field:
The main input field should look like this (remember to set your account_id):
Committing the manifest file
Now that we have updated the manifest file we are ready to commit it.
Set your Author name
Set your Email address
Set your Commit message
Using a good / unique commit message will help you understand what is going on later.
Click the Commit changes button:
What did we just do?
When you added the following:
You told the framework to provision v1 of vpc into the default region of each account that has the tag type:prod
Verifying the provisioned stack
Once you have made your changes the ServiceCatalogPuppet Pipeline should have run. If you were quick in making the change, the pipeline
may still be running. If it has not yet started feel free to the hit the Release change button.
Once it has completed it should show the stages in green to indicate they have completed
The screenshots may differ slightly as the design of AWS CodePipeline changes. You should see a pipeline where each
stage is green.
Once you have verified the pipeline has run you can go to the AWS CloudFormation console in the default region of the
account you specified to view your provisioned stack.