Provisioning CloudFormation

What are we going to do?

This tutorial will walk you through how to use the “Provisioning CloudFormation” feature.

We will assume you have:

  • installed Service Catalog Puppet correctly
  • bootstrapped a spoke
  • created a manifest file
  • added an account to the manifest file

We will assume you are comfortable:

  • making changes your manifest file

We are going to perform the following steps to “Provisioning CloudFormation”:

  • upload a template to AWS CloudFormation
  • specify an AWS CloudFormation template that should be provisioned

Step by step guide

Here are the steps you need to follow to “Provisioning CloudFormation”

Things to note, before we start

  • This feature was added to version 0.108.0. You will need to be using this version (or later)
  • Stacks can use parameters, deploy_to and outputs
  • Stacks can be used in spoke execution mode
  • Stacks can be used in dry-runs
  • Stacks do not appear in list-launches (they are not a launch)

Upload a template to AWS CloudFormation

When you upgrade to version 0.108.0 or newer you will see a bucket named sc-puppet-stacks-repository-xxx where xxx is your AWS account id. You should upload a template into that bucket and get the version id of the template:

Specify an AWS CloudFormation template that should be provisioned

Now we are ready to add a stack to the manifest file.

  • Navigate to the ServiceCatalogPuppet CodeCommit repository

  • Click the ServiceCatalogPuppet repository

  • Click the link to the manifest.yaml file, and then click the Edit button

  • Add the following snippet to the end of the main input field:

    key: product.template.yaml
    version_id: 1tPCvNHLEw8fsARqJ2RFouBfebRpURS7
      - name: basic-vpc
        type: launches
        affinity: account
        - tag: group:spoke
          regions: regions_enabled
        - stack_output: VPCId
          param_name: "/vpcs/${AWS::AccountId}/${AWS::Region}/VPCId"

Committing the manifest file

Now that we have updated the manifest file we are ready to commit our changes.

  • Set your Author name
  • Set your Email address
  • Set your Commit message

Using a good / unique commit message will help you understand what is going on later.

  • Click the Commit changes button: