This tutorial will walk you through how to use the “Provisioning CloudFormation” feature.
We will assume you have:
installed Service Catalog Puppet correctly
bootstrapped a spoke
created a manifest file
added an account to the manifest file
We will assume you are comfortable:
making changes your manifest file
We are going to perform the following steps to “Provisioning CloudFormation”:
upload a template to AWS CloudFormation
specify an AWS CloudFormation template that should be provisioned
Step by step guide
Here are the steps you need to follow to “Provisioning CloudFormation”
Things to note, before we start
This feature was added to version 0.108.0. You will need to be using this version (or later)
Stacks can use parameters, deploy_to and outputs
Stacks can be used in spoke execution mode
Stacks can be used in dry-runs
Stacks do not appear in list-launches (they are not a launch)
Upload a template to AWS CloudFormation
When you upgrade to version 0.108.0 or newer you will see a bucket named sc-puppet-stacks-repository-xxx where xxx is
your AWS account id. You should upload a template into that bucket and get the version id of the template:
Specify an AWS CloudFormation template that should be provisioned
Now we are ready to add a stack to the manifest file.