We are going to perform the following steps:
Here are the steps you need to follow to “Disabling the product versions”
When working with other teams it is recommended that you disable a product version before you delete it. This gives teams time to react before deletion of the product. If they are dependent on the product version still they can reach out to you to inform you.
To disable a version you need to set its Active attribute to False. You do this by editing its definition in the portfolio yaml.
Navigate to the ServiceCatalogFactory CodeCommit repository
Click on portfolios
Click on the portfolio yaml containing your product
Click Edit
Add or set the attribute Active for the version you want to disable to False:
Schema: factory-2019-04-01
- Name: account-vending-machine
Owner: central-it@customer.com
Description: The iam roles needed for you to do your jobs
Distributor: central-it-team
SupportDescription: Contact us on Chime for help #central-it-team
SupportEmail: central-it-team@customer.com
SupportUrl: https://wiki.customer.com/central-it-team/self-service/account-iam
- Key: product-type
Value: iam
- Name: v1
Description: The iam roles needed for you to do your jobs
Active: False
Provider: CodeCommit
RepositoryName: account-vending-machine
BranchName: v1
Set your Author name
Set your Email address
Set your Commit message
Click the Commit changes button:
When the framework runs the product will be disabled. This change will only affect the version of the product in your factory account. If you are using the imported product in your spoke accounts it will have affect there otherwise you will need to run service-catalog-puppet to cascade the change.
You can verify this by navigating to Service Catalog and checking your disabled product. It should look like: