With tag-policies, you tell the framework to apply a tag policy to a specific account, every account with a specified
tag or to an organizational unit.
This tutorial will walk you through how to use the “Applying Tag Policies” feature.
We will assume you have:
installed Service Catalog Puppet correctly
bootstrapped a spoke
created a manifest file
added an account to the manifest file
We are going to perform the following steps to “Applying Tag Policies”:
Setting up the IAM role
Applying a tag policy to a specific account
Applying a tag policy to every account with a specified tag
Applying a tag policy to an organizational unit
Step by step guide
Here are the steps you need to follow to “Applying Tag Policies”
Setting up the IAM role
When using tag-policies you will need an IAM role assumable from the account where you have installed this framework.
Using AWS CloudFormation to create the IAM Role
Within your AWS Organizations management account you should create an AWS CloudFormation stack with the following name:
This stack will have an output named PuppetOrgRoleForExpandsArn. Take a note of this Arn as you will need it in the
next step.
Setting the Org IAM role ARN
Once you have created the IAM Role, you need to tell the framework which role you want to use. You do this by creating
an AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter named /servicecatalog-puppet/org-scp-role-arn in the region of the
account where you will install puppet and use as your hub account. You can do this via the console or via the cli.
Applying a tag policy to a specific account
To apply a tag policy to a specific account add the following snippet to your manifest file:
You will need to update the account_id from 000000000000 to the account_id you want to apply the tag policy
Please note, you do not need to specify a region in the apply_to section.
Applying a tag policy to every account with a specified tag
To apply a tag policy to every account with specified tag add the following snippet to your manifest file:
You will need to update the tag from type:prod to the tag you want to apply the tag policy to.
Please note, you do not need to specify a region in the apply_to section.
Applying a tag policy to an organizational unit
To apply a tag policy to a specific organizational unit add the following snippet to your manifest file:
You will need to update the ou from /workloads to the path you want to apply the tag policy
Alternatively you can use an ou id instead of a path:
Storing your policies in Amazon S3
You can choose to store you tag policies in Amazon S3 using the following syntax:
Extra notes
You do not need to specify a region in the apply_to section
Tag policies can only be used in hub execution mode
All json documents will be minimised before being applied