This tutorial will walk you through “Adding a region”.
We will assume you have:
The steps you will take depend on how you installed the tooling. Please follow the appropriate section.
If you installed the tools by creating an AWS CloudFormation stack then please follow the AWS CloudFormation steps, otherwise please follow the Python steps. If you cannot remember how you installed the tools please follow the Python steps.
If you have switched to GitHub as the source of your ServiceCatalogFactory and ServiceCatalogPuppet repos you will need to follow the Python steps.
Whichever steps you follow you will need to follow the steps in Populating the New Regions section
Here are the steps you need to follow to “Adding a region”
If you installed factory using the AWS CloudFormation way then you can update the stack you created, changing the parameters. This will update your config and bootstrap again for you.
In the AWS Console navigate to the AWS CloudFormation service where you created your initialisation stack - the
recommended name for the stack was factory-initialization-stack
Select the stack and click Update, then Use current template should be selected and you can click Next
In the EnabledRegions input specify the new list of every region you want to target.
Once you have done this click Next on the following two screens and then check the box I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. and click Update Stack
Once this has completed you can run the servicecatalog-product-factory-initialiser AWS CodeBuild project and your install will be updated.
If you installed puppet using the AWS CloudFormation way then you can update the stack you created, changing the parameters. This will update your config and bootstrap again for you.
In the AWS Console navigate to the AWS CloudFormation service where you created your initialisation stack - the
recommended name for the stack was puppet-initialization-stack
Select the stack and click Update, then Use current template should be selected and you can click Next
In the EnabledRegions input specify the new list of every region you want to target.
Once you have done this click Next on the following two screens and then check the box I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. and click Update Stack
Once this has completed you can run the servicecatalog-product-puppet-initialiser AWS CodeBuild project and your install will be updated.
pip install aws-service-catalog-factory
servicecatalog-factory set-regions eu-west-1,eu-west-2,eu-west-3
servicecatalog-factory bootstrap ...
If you are using GitHub as your ServiceCatalogFactory repo you will need to specify this whenever you bootstrap.
To get a list of the parameters for bootstrapping you can run:
servicecatalog-factory bootstrap --help
pip install aws-service-catalog-puppet
servicecatalog-puppet set-regions eu-west-1,eu-west-2,eu-west-3
servicecatalog-puppet bootstrap ...
If you are using GitHub as your ServiceCatalogPuppet repo you will need to specify this whenever you bootstrap.
To get a list of the parameters for bootstrapping you can run:
servicecatalog-puppet bootstrap --help
Once you have followed the instructions above your product pipelines have been reconfigured to add your products to the newly specified regions. For your products to appear in those regions you will need to run their pipelines again.