In order to run the workshop in your own account you will need to enable AWS Config and create an IAM Role named
TeamRole which you must then assume in order to complete the activities.
Step by step guide
Here are the steps you need to follow to “Running yourself”
Enable AWS Config
You should save the following into a file named enable-aws-config.template.yaml:
You should then use AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named enable-aws-config using the template you just created
What did we just do?
You created an AWS CloudFormation template
You used the template to create a stack
The stack you created enabled AWS Config
Install the tools
You should save the following into a file named install-the-tools.template.yaml:
You should then use AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named install-the-tools.template using the template you just created
What did we just do?
You created an AWS CloudFormation template
You used the template to create a stack named install-the-tools
The stack you created installed the service catalog tools with the correct configuration for the workshop to run
Create an IAM Role
You should save the following into a file named create-iam-role.template.yaml:
You should then use AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named create-iam-role.template using the template you just created
You should then assume that role in order to start the workshop
What did we just do?
You created an AWS CloudFormation template
You used the template to create a stack named create-iam-role
You then assumed the role so you have the correct permissions needed and have the correct role name